.mk.ua domains


Register a domain in the .MK.UA domain zone

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Prices for domains in zone .MK.UA

Regery services
6.99 $ 5.99 $/yr
 6.99 $/yr
 5.99 $

Why choose the Regery registrar?

Other registrars
101 Domain
18.99 $/yr

+13.00 $ (+217%)
25.99 $/yr

+19.00 $ (+272%)
13.12 $/yr

+7.13 $ (+119%)
14.08 $/yr

+7.09 $ (+101%)
13.36 $/yr

+7.37 $ (+123%)
13.36 $/yr

+6.37 $ (+91%)
13.10 $/yr

+7.11 $ (+119%)
13.10 $/yr

+6.11 $ (+87%)
12.74 $/yr

+6.75 $ (+113%)
12.74 $/yr

+5.75 $ (+82%)
12.74 $/yr

+6.75 $ (+113%)
12.74 $/yr

+5.75 $ (+82%)
12.24 $/yr

+6.25 $ (+104%)
† Price information may not contain special offers and promotions, new prices may vary

Domain length
The size of a .MK.UA domain name ranges from 1 to 63 characters.
Registration period
Minimum MK.UA domain registration period is one year, the maximum is ten years.
Available to Everyone
Find your name, register it quickly and easily and start growing in the information space. This .MK.UA domain zone is global and available to everyone.
National Names
A domain in MK.UA can contain national letters and words in its name thanks to the implemented support of the IDN standard.
Renewal Policy
A .MK.UA domain can be renewed at any time, but before the domain is deleted.
DNSSEC is not supported
Regery does not support DNSSEC for MK.UA domains. Unable to sign a domain zone in the registry
Local presence requirements
A domain can be registered without restrictions on local presence
Free protection of Whois contacts
Protect Whois contact information for a domain with our free Privacy Guard service. This feature may be disabled for some domains according to registry policy.

Domain .MK.UA

There are regional zones of the third level - to them and they will belong to the domain .MK.UA. This domain name is designed for residents of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev, but anyone can buy it. The segment began to develop rapidly, and now there are registered sites focused on users from CIS countries.

Registration is instant, IDN protocol is supported. You will not need identity documents. It is enough to check the free name. Register a domain name even for ten years, the main thing - use when typing acceptable characters (numbers and Latin letters).

Who should register a .MK.UA domain?

There are no clear boundaries in the audience of the zone - anyone can buy a domain .MK.UA. First of all, this segment is interested in the owners of companies whose products are distributed among the residents of Nikolaev. These may be:

  • online stores;
  • pizzerias;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • night clubs;
  • Spas;
  • gyms.

Registration is very quick and usually does not take more than a few minutes. Therefore, the segment is expanding through the efforts of private entrepreneurs, bloggers and information portals. Low cost of .MK.UA domain and ease of registration attract many users. In the segment you can place resources of any subject, receiving both regional and Ukrainian traffic.

Search engines perceive Mykolaiv sector of the web as regional, so the resources promoted here have a number of advantages. Visitors prefer to visit business sites located on their "territory". If a company has many branches, one of which is localized in Mykolayiv, it will not be unreasonable to register .MK.UA domain.

Choice of REGERY registrar

When you start an online business, it is necessary to think through all the details. Domain name is one of the cornerstones. Buy a name should be purchased from official registrars representing the interests of the segment on the territory of Ukraine. You will be able to extend and transfer the terms of use, freely manage any number of subdomains. Having addressed REGERY, you will get:

  • .MK.UA domain, the price of which is lower than top-level analogs;
  • fast registration;
  • competent technical support;
  • hTTP protocol redirection setup;
  • hidden storage of personal data;
  • convenient interface;
  • a certificate confirming your ownership of the domain name;
  • a ban on any manipulations with your purchased domain.

If you have a desire to transfer a domain name from one hosting to another, it will not be a problem. The name is easily "screwed" to any online store, blog or information resource at your discretion. Ask a representative of technical support any questions - you will be helped to do everything in a short time. We provide a number of additional services, including auto-update and SMS-alerts. Join the ranks of our clients!

Open Domain Zone
The .MK.UA domain zone is open for registration to all and does not require registration of a trademark or legal entity. Thus, a .MK.UA domain name is ideal for everyone, including small companies and startups.
IDN support
The .MK.UA domain zone supports the National Domain Name standard. These domain names often include an extended set of characters that were not originally supported by the basic Domain Name Standards. IDN support provides the ability to register domain names in a variety of languages, the list of which is defined for each specific domain zone. National Domain Names in the DNS system are represented in the form of a special code (punycode). Regery automatically converts domain names into the required format for easy search and product management.
Territorial Domain Zone
MK.UA is a national domain zone (ccTLD). These domain zones are reserved by nations, islands, or states. Often consist of two characters, such as .UA, .US, .EU, .UK, DE. There are also gccTLD is when on one side of the domain zone refers to a country, and on the other side it is not only suitable for the country. For example, the Colombian domain zone .CO is often used by various companies around the world.
Discover more opportunities from Regery for your business
Signals & Notifications
Monitor the status of your .MK.UA or other domain name and receive instant notifications.
Free protection of Whois contacts
Protect Whois contact information for a domain with our free Privacy Guard service. This feature may be disabled for some domains according to registry policy.
The .MK.UA domain expiration date is temporary and to ensure that the domain is always in your possession, Regery provides a free auto-renewal service. .MK.UA domain will be automatically renewed at the end of the expiration date. If you plan to renew the domain yourself, simply turn this service off in your domain settings.
Free Domain Forwarding
Forward your .MK.UA domain name to a new website for free, anyone who opens that domain name in a browser is taken directly to your new website. For example, you have an old website: my-old-shop.MK.UA and you need to redirect all your visitors to the new domain: my-best-store.MK.UA, this is possible using Regery services.
Free Mail Redirection
Redirect mail from your .MK.UA domain to another mailing address for free. Regery makes it easy.
Free .MK.UA Domain Blocking
A free .MK.UA domain lock prevents accidental or intentional transfer of domain ownership and prevents anyone from redirecting your nameservers.
Domain Transfer MK.UA
When transferring a MK.UA domain to Regery services, usually the domain can be automatically renewed for a year for free, check the zone rules, not supported everywhere. The transfer process is fast and without customer intervention.
IDN support
Regery services support registration of domain names in any language.
Fast DNS service
All .MK.UA domain records can be customized in an easy dashboard. Create resource records such as: CNAME, A, TXT, NS and others, redirect mail from virtual [email protected] to real address [email protected] for free.
Easy Control Panel
Simple and clear interface of the control panel
Customer support
Support and prompt response to requests that arise
SSL Certificates
It is recommended that you also connect an SSL certificate to your site so that it can be opened over the secure HTTPS protocol. Regery offers a full range of SSL certificates from well-known brands such as RapidSSL. Free Comodo SSL certificates are also available.

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