Represents the domain od.ua national Ukrainian domain. Is a limited independent, as it belongs to the category of national domain .UA. Oriented in the network space directly for representation on the Internet various commercial organizations and enterprises that provide services in different areas, selling goods. Associates its activities with the city of Odessa, which is rightly considered one of the important trade centers of Ukraine. As of 2018, the domain zone has more than 9500 domain names in its composition, also extends to the Odessa region, in which it is used by a noticeably smaller number of potential users.
Today you can easily buy and register a name. The possibility of extending its use for various commercial structures, regardless of the form of ownership, any restrictions deserve special attention. Extend od.ua domain is simple: there is no need to undergo lengthy checks and provide complex sets of documents.
The procedure for buying a domain name is maximally simplified, to buy a domain od.ua need:
In the price list of domain name registrars price for the domain od.ua is one of the lowest. Affordable cost of the regional domain will allow enterprises and companies located in Odessa and the region, easily create their representative on the vastness of the Internet.
Having registered and paid for the domain od.ua, you get practical and functional management of it by means of competently designed control panel. You can try to place your own website, then immediately use the provided e-mail. Thanks to it, it is possible to promptly carry out numerous service transfers, in the event you switch from the chosen name registrar to another. In this case, you can also expect to receive a separate discount associated with the subsequent renewal or if necessary to organize completely free hosting.
It should be noted that the standard period of domain name registration is within 1 to 10 years from the date of the first agreement. Similar time indicators are given to the renewal of the use of the domain, which must necessarily be taken into account in the process of work. You can create names up to 63 characters long, the registrar's functionality allows you to do this to the fullest extent.