.org.ua domains


Register domain name in .ORG.UA area

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  3. .ORG.UA domain extension

Prices for domains in zone .ORG.UA

Regery services
8.99 $ 7.99 $/yr
 8.99 $/yr
 7.99 $

Why choose the Regery registrar?

Other registrars
159.28 $/yr

+151.29 $ (+1893%)
159.28 $/yr

+150.29 $ (+1672%)
96.00 $/yr

+88.01 $ (+1102%)
96.00 $/yr

+87.01 $ (+968%)
19.00 $/yr

+11.01 $ (+138%)
89.00 $/yr

+80.01 $ (+890%)
42.44 $/yr

+34.45 $ (+431%)
42.44 $/yr

+33.45 $ (+372%)
38.00 $/yr

+30.01 $ (+376%)
38.00 $/yr

+29.01 $ (+323%)
101 Domain
18.99 $/yr

+11.00 $ (+138%)
25.99 $/yr

+17.00 $ (+189%)
22.99 $/yr

+15.00 $ (+188%)
24.99 $/yr

+16.00 $ (+178%)
† Price information may not contain special offers and promotions, new prices may vary

Domain Length
The length of domain in the .ORG.UA domain extension ranges from 2 to 63 characters.
Validity Period
Domain in the ORG.UA area can be purchased for 1 year.
Open Domain Extension
Domain extension .ORG.UA is open for domain registration by any person or organization.
Renewal Policy
Domain renew in .ORG.UA domain area is possible at any time, but before domain deletion.
DNSSEC not supported
Regery does not support DNSSEC for ORG.UA domains name. It is not possible to sign domain name zone on registry
Local presence requirements
Domain can be registered without local presence restrictions

Registration of .ORG.UA domain at a bargain price

Today everyone can buy the org ua domain. There are no target limits. It is mainly used by organizations. Most often non-commercial. Network users trust organizations that have registered a domain in the ORG.UA zone more.

Features of using a domain

It only takes a few minutes to register a .org.ua domain. Technical features of this zone:

  1. The term of delegation is from 1 year to 10 years.
  2. The name can be 1-63 characters long.
  3. Renewal period 28 days.

After the expiration of the registration period, the org ua domain will be transferred to the recovery period, RedemptionPeriod, for 30 days. When choosing a site name in this zone, you can combine numbers with Latin or Cyrillic letters. Valid characters are A-Z, 0-9, -, this is enough for any user.

Registration of the org.ua domain is as simple and very fast as possible. It is not required to have a trademark and provide any documents. The zone is also available to individuals. 30 days after the expiration of the registration period, the site stops working immediately. But it is possible to restore it within the next 30 days.

You don't need any special knowledge to learn how to manage a domain. Everything is easy and simple, understandable. You can manage it directly from the panel by going to your account. Users can set their email address, under domains, ftp and upload everything they need to the site. Clients will receive information about the state of the domain constantly and instantly, which is especially important in case of problems.

It is quite possible to buy an ORG.UA domain cheaply, it is available to everyone. The client does not need to worry about renewal. Supports auto-renewal feature. After the registration period expires, all of its domains and SSL certificates and other products will be saved in the client's account.

What experts advise to do after registration

Sites in the org.ua zone are quickly becoming popular. Therefore, in order to prevent competitors from registering similar names and redirecting visitors to themselves, experts advise using additional domains. For example, spelled with errors, with a hyphen, similar in pronunciation. Do not forget about other areas. This is important advice. One name registered in different zones will help you quickly become famous among network users. 

Visitors to the site will quickly and easily remember the site in the org.ua zone only if its name is simple, short, memorable and effective. It should be spelled the same as it is pronounced. It is advised to choose a name for the site, in writing which no one will make a mistake. The number of names registered in this zone has long passed the mark of 100,000.

Buying an org.ua domain, clients receive many undeniable advantages. The registrar guarantees speed and security, ease of management, free additional services, prompt and competent support. To check the org ua domain, to make sure it is not busy, you need to enter the selected site name in a special form.

Open Domain Extension
.ORG.UA domain extension is open for registration for everyone and does not require registration of a trademark or legal entity. Thus, this .ORG.UA domain area is ideal for registration for everyone, including small companies and startups.
Regional Domain Area
ORG.UA is a regional domain extension (ccTLD). Regional domain areas are assigned to countries, states or regions. Often consist of two characters, for example .RU, .US, .EU, .BZ, .IN. There are also gccTLD domain zones. These include national domain zones (ccTLDs) and it is open to all (gTLDs). These zones include the Micronesian domain extension .FM, which is used for radio and music everywhere.
Open up additional features from Regery for your business
Alerts & Notifications
Monitor the status of your domain name in .ORG.UA extension or another domain area, and get instant notifications.
Free Whois Contacts Protection
Protect Whois contact data for domain using free Privacy Guard service. According to registry policy this feature can be disabled for some domains.
Auto Renew
Clients do not need to worry about forgetting the expiration of the ORG.UA domain. SSL certificates and all other products will be saved in the account registered in the Regery service.
Free Domain Forwarding & Masking
Redirect your domain name in .ORG.UA area to your new website for FREE, anyone who opens that domain name in a browser is moved directly to your new website. For example you have old website: my-old-shop.ORG.UA and you need to move all your visitors to new domain: my-best-store.ORG.UA, that is possible with Regery services.
Email Forwarding
Forward e-mail from a domain in .ORG.UA area to another e-mail address. With Regery services this is easy.
Free Domain Locking for .ORG.UA
Free domain locking prevents accidental or intentional transfers of domain ownership and stops anyone from redirecting your name servers.
Transfer Domain ORG.UA
When you transfer the ORG.UA domain to Regery services, usually the domain is automatically renewed for a year for free, check the domain extension rules as it is not supported everywhere. The transfer process is fast and without client intervention.
Several languages
You can register selected domain name in the ORG.UA area in your native or English language.
Fast DNS system
Configure all DNS records (MX, A, NS, TXT, ...) in a single system. Url address redirection is free. For example, redirect all visitors from the old site oldstore.ORG.UA to the new new-ultra-store.ORG.UA for free.
Easy Control Panel
Simple and intuitive control panel interface
Support and prompt response to emerging requests
SSL Certificates
It is also recommended to connect an SSL certificate to the site so that it can be opened via a secure HTTPS protocol. Regery presents a full set of SSL certificates from well-known brands, such as RapidSSL. Free and cheap Comodo SSL certificates are also available.

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