The service generates a CSR request with 2048-bit encryption. It must be created when obtaining an SSL certificate. When purchasing an SSL certificate from Regery, there is no need to create a CSR request, the system will create it itself if necessary. Clients receive cloud-based, free storage for all created CSR requests, SSL certificates, RSA keys. If any of the above has been lost, accidentally deleted, a copy can be downloaded from the control panel.
An online CSR generator is used to bind SSL to a domain. It is required by a certificate authority when a product is released. In essence, CSR is encrypted important data. To generate a request, enter:
The received CSR request can be used to create an SSL certificate.
Before you create a CSR request, you need to know about some features of issuing certificates. When you purchase SSL for a subdomain, it is specified in this form: It is important to consider the features of the purchased product. If you purchased a certificate protecting the domain and subdomains you will need to specify *, for example: *
If a multi-domain (multi-domain) SSL certificate is purchased, then an SSL certificate request must be created indicating the main domain, not including additional ones. The name is spelled completely. Subdomains are added later. This can be done when configuring the certificate. Before you fill out the form you need to understand the required protection of the site with www or without.
If you find it difficult to figure out how to fill out the form correctly, then contact Regery specialists for help. We will help you generate an accurate, correct CSR key quickly and without errors. Many find it hard to figure out how to fill out the form correctly. If you have questions about what an SSL certificate is, how to create a key, you need to contact support.