For domain name certification, we have become accustomed, and that with IP-addresses? Is there a software product that allows you to secure the connection? Fortunately, yes. You can purchase a reliable SSL certificate for your IP address on the Regery website. Prices from the registrar are one of the most pleasant in the market. We will connect and configure the product, we will provide round-the-clock support. Working with us is easy.
The first question is what do we have to protect? An IP address is a unique network address by which you can identify your computer. Most often, the need to issue a certificate of IP protection arises from servers and services that do not have a domain name.
Here are some interesting facts about IPs:
It is important to understand that there are very few SSL certificates for network resource protection and they are issued to the organization (OV SSL). An important condition is that the IP should be owned by an officially registered company. Not all trusted centers issue SSL certificates for IP protection, since they face serious security threats and cannot minimize the risks of data being received by hackers, so there are not so many offers for ssl for IP addresses.
The industry is regulated by the CA/B Forum in the protection of IP. There are a number of requirements put forward by this structure for electronic certification. When is a certificate issued for an IP address?
We list the requirements of the regulator:
When filling out the certificate, you must insert the IP address, fill in the company data. Activation takes place via HTTP or HTTPS link to the verification file (which can be downloaded from the control panel). Certification centers do not allow certification of network addresses of individuals. In Regery services, you can purchase an SSL certificate for a corporate server with a dedicated IP, and this is a relatively rare service. We continue to ensure the safety of our customers.
The cost of SSL certificates ranges from 50-729 dollars. Working with Regery, you will get round-the-clock responsive support, low prices and a convenient control panel. The minimum validity period of a paid certificate is 1 year, and free valid for 1 and 3 months. Levels of trust are high, guarantees are provided. To protect your corporate IP, contact us right now!