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SSL Certificate - Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

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Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

If you need a quick way to secure multiple domains in a single SSL certificate, Comodo Positive SSL Multi-Domain (PositiveSSL) is a good choice. Comodo Positive SSL Multi-Domain comes with high-quality protection and fast domain validation, requires no documents, and is suitable for individuals and organizations. This 256-bit encryption level certificate also has full browser compatibility and is issued within three minutes.

SSL certificate prices - Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

Regery services
28.99 $ 23.99 $
 28.99 $

Why choose Regery services?

Other stores
Sectigo (Comodo)
165.00 $

+141.01 $ (+588%)
165.00 $

+136.01 $ (+469%)
134.00 $

+110.01 $ (+459%)
134.00 $

+105.01 $ (+362%)
59.00 $

+35.01 $ (+146%)
59.00 $

+30.01 $ (+104%)
35.40 $

+11.41 $ (+48%)
59.00 $

+30.01 $ (+104%)
Emaro SSL
30.81 $

+6.82 $ (+28%)
30.81 $

+1.82 $ (+6%)
30.39 $

+6.40 $ (+27%)
30.39 $

+1.40 $ (+5%)
29.88 $

+0.89 $ (+3%)
† Pricing information may not include special offers and promotions, new prices may vary


Details Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate

Multidomain certificates such as Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain, also called SAN/UCC certificates, provide the ability to specify multiple domains or subdomains, for example:, Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain is good for protecting multiple names in different domain zones and subdomains (e.g. for Exchange). When adding a domain you need to reissue SSL certificate, the reissue service is free of charge at Regery.

Group (wildcard) SSL Certificates

Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain does not support wildcard security for all subdomains. Group SSL certificates provide security for a domain and all of its subdomains. If you plan to secure all subdomains (e.g.,, etc.), review group SSL certificates. If you need to protect only a few subdomains, you should pay attention to single-domain SSL certificates, they are cheaper.

Trust level Medium

Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain is suitable for quick issuance of SSL certificate without the need to provide any documents.

Verified Domain

Domain validation is the easiest way to get an SSL Certificate.

SSL Certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain is obtained after domain ownership is verified (via e-mail, file on the website, or DNS). To obtain an SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain you need to confirm that you are the owner of the domain.

Since no documentation is required, domain validated SSL certificates such as Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain are the most popular SSL certificates in the world.

Instant Release

SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain is issued instantly as soon as the certificate authority Sectigo successfully verifies domain ownership. No document verification or phone call is required.

Green Backlight in Browser

Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain does not support the "green address bar" feature in the browser. SSL certificates with extended validation are the most prestigious. Sites with SSL certificates are displayed in the browser on the background of the green line along with the name of the organization, which increases the prestige of the site and provides more confidence in the web resource. Please note that an SSL certificate with extended validation is issued only for an organization or a company. The site offers a wide range of SSL certificates with extended validation.

Multiple Reprints

Multiple free reissue allows you to change SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain settings at any time

Confident Search Positions

Search services such as Google, Yahoo and others favor sites with an installed and valid SSL certificate. This applies to all SSL certificates such as: domain certificates, organization certificates or SSL certificates with extended validation. In addition, browsers inform users when they open unsecured sites, which may affect the churn of visitors to such sites. It is recommended to install at least a free SSL certificate for unprotected sites.

Browser compatibility

Most browsers support Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

Mobile Browser Support

Legacy mobile browsers may not support this SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain. New mobile browsers work with it without problems.

Unlimited Server Licenses

Unlimited server licenses Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain at no additional cost. Support www. for free allows access to sites like and

Virus Scan

The service of scanning the site for viruses is not included in the capabilities of the SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain

No documents required

No organization documents are needed, only domain rights are checked (via a file on the website/ via verification letter/ via DNS). The verification process is done online, so you don't have to worry about paperwork. SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain is suitable for everyone, from individuals to companies.

Encryption and Security

SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain uses 256-bit encryption with a single root certificate. Ideal for a website, blog or service.

Warranty: $10,000

With the purchase of an SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain by Certificate Authority Sectigo comes a $10,000 warranty. Indemnification is paid to the end user of the site or the victim of fraud if it is proven that the HTTPS connection that was established with the original Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain was compromised. Warranty obligations are focused on the protection of your customers and to increase the level of trust in your website by emphasizing to users the security of being on your service.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Regery provides an SSL certificate Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain with a 15-day money back guarantee. This means that you can buy Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain, test it and cancel it if it doesn't work for you. We would also like to point out that most paid SSL certificates can be obtained absolutely free of charge (as a loan) without prepayment, without contacting support, without specifying a bank card. The system will automatically remind you about the payment and cancel the SSL certificate if the payment is not received by the company.

If you are not sure about the reliability of Regery - order SSL certificates for free.

Free Website Printing

Sectigo Positive SSL Multi-Domain is available with a free site seal. The secure connection seal can be placed anywhere visible on the site, to indicate to visitors that the site is secure. A static seal is quick to install, such a seal does not display additional information about the verification of the web resource.

Take advantage of Regery's full range of services


Regery's technical support system is multi-level. The company's specialists will always give a quick answer and find a solution to any question.

Domains at Best Price

Prices for domain names (registration, renewal, transfer) in the company Regery the most favorable. Here you can always take a free domain, buy an inexpensive domain name.

Cloud Storage

All data of Regery Services is stored in the cloud, which prevents data loss in case of any possible temporary outages

Best SSL Prices

Thanks to direct contracts, Regery's SSL certificate prices are among the most favorable on the market. Free SSL certificates are also available.

Activate SSL quickly and easily

Regery control panel allows you to activate (create) SSL certificates in a simple and simplified form. It is also possible to activate and install SSL certificates on a turnkey basis (by the company's employees)

SSL Reissue Free of charge

Regery services allow you to reissue (change) SSL certificates multiple times, up to the end of the SSL validity period. Often reissuance is used to change contact information or to change domains on a multi-domain certificate.

Huge Selection of SSL Certificates

Regery offers a wide range of SSL certificates of all types. With company verification and simple domain verification. For companies, individuals, entrepreneurs . With company document verification and without document verification. Choose the right SSL product for you

Help with SSL Certificate Generation

Regery services include the service of SSL certificate generation (activation) (turnkey). When activating the SSL certificate generation service, the company's specialists will fill in all the necessary fields of the SSL certificate, pass the domain verification, and support the organization verification (if verification is required)

SSL Certificate Key Installation

Regery services include SSL certificate installation service (turnkey). If you activate the SSL certificate installation service, our specialists will install the SSL certificate for you on the site hosting or on the server (IIS, Apache, Nginx, etc.), check the correctness of the site operation via the secure HTTPS protocol.

Single Space for SSL

Manage (create, reissue, renew) all your SSL certificates in a convenient control panel.

Quick Domain Selection

Regery's fast selection of free domains makes it easy to find the right domain for your region or the right domain in the right subject. Cheap and free domains are also available.

SSL validity period

SSL certificates can be ordered for up to two years. Extension service is available.