.ARMENIA.SU is a second-level domain zone for Armenia. Both large companies and ordinary users can register a name in this zone. However, the process of registration in the .ARMENIA.SU domain zone can only be carried out by officially accredited organizations, which includes the company Regery.
It should be noted that the address in the domain zone .ARMENIA.SU should be written in Latin alphabet letters. This will allow you to read the name of the web resource to a large number of inhabitants of the Earth. Buy a domain in the zone .ARMENIA.SU in particular favorable will be commercial, tourist and many other companies.
Buy a domain name in the zone .ARMENIA.SU today can any user or company. Domain in .ARMENIA.SU zone will help owners of Internet projects to attract more potential customers from Armenia. Domain name in .ARMENIA.SU zone will be suitable for both well-known companies and simple users who want to develop the activity of their project on the territory of Armenia.
The .ARMENIA.SU domain zone is managed by a private non-governmental organization "Internet Development Fund".