.su domains


Register a domain in the .SU domain zone

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Prices for domains in zone .SU

Regery services
5.99 $ 4.99 $/yr
 5.99 $/yr

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Other registrars
101 Domain
89.99 $/yr

+85.00 $ (+1703%)
199.99 $/yr

+194.00 $ (+3239%)
174.38 $/yr

+169.39 $ (+3395%)
197.94 $/yr

+191.95 $ (+3205%)
125.30 $/yr

+120.31 $ (+2411%)
125.30 $/yr

+119.31 $ (+1992%)
67.55 $/yr

+62.56 $ (+1254%)
74.51 $/yr

+68.52 $ (+1144%)
28.31 $/yr

+23.32 $ (+467%)
63.98 $/yr

+57.99 $ (+968%)
39.99 $/yr

+35.00 $ (+701%)
39.99 $/yr

+34.00 $ (+568%)
23.99 $/yr

+19.00 $ (+381%)
25.99 $/yr

+20.00 $ (+334%)
† Price information may not contain special offers and promotions, new prices may vary

Domain Name Length
A domain in the .SU space is between 2 and 63 letters long.
Registration period
The registration period for .SU domain name is 1 year.
Transfer without Renewal
The SU domain zone does not offer free renewal on transfer.
DNSSEC is not supported
Regery does not support DNSSEC for SU domains. Unable to sign a domain zone in the registry
Local presence requirements
A domain can be registered without restrictions on local presence

.SU domain — the national domain that belongs to the Soviet Union, as well as the subsequent post-Soviet space. In fact, this domain was created before the collapse of the USSR, but at the same time, is actively used after the onset of 1991. For many potential users, such a domain of the USSR is a kind of nostalgia that will use it in the future to host their own resources. Below it is proposed to analyze the domain name, learn what and how to do with the site on the name.

The specifics of the domain registration .SU is currently

In fact, today .SU domain is under the direct management of the company “Internet Development Fund”. It does not belong to the category of geographical sites, due to the fact that the country to which it was originally assigned for a long time no more. Knowing whose domain, there is no way to find it in the list of established codes specified in this aspect in the regulatory standard ISO 3166-1. Therefore, it does not fall under the definition of geographical domains, but the encoding has a provision “reserved”, which further ensures its non-allocation to other needs.

Today, the domain in the .SU area is in demand, there are about twelve special companies accredited in Russia as registrars. Each such Registrar has its own partnership agreements with numerous commercial companies and individuals. The Fund does not have any agreements directly with companies, registrars. In addition, there is full support for the numerous second-level domain names under consideration, which were specifically registered by him directly before 01.10.2001. For this reason, it is recommended to register a SU domain, which can be done in just a few clicks.

Key features of .SU domains

The features, taking into account which the .SU domain registration can be carried out, include the following:

  • The domain name is available for purchase by both organizations and individuals. Recently, it is often used to get a sonorous name of the site.
  • It is worth noting some change in the cost index, which took place in connection with the execution of the memorable date for this domain in 2010. Back then, organizations were allowed to buy the .SU domain at a reduced price.
  • When choosing a name, keep in mind that the possible length ranges from 3-63 characters — this is the minimum and maximum number that the user can choose. It provides support for IDN domains, which is the ideal solution for the organization and the company.
Popular National Domain Zone
SU is the national domain zone of a country, which is not only suitable for a specific country, but also for all to provide different services. For example .FM is used for radio, but it is also the national zone of Micronesia. And .DJ is the national domain zone of Digibuti, Africa, and is used by DJs everywhere.
Regional Domain Zone
SU is a regional domain zone (ccTLD). Regional domain zones are assigned to countries, states, or regions. They often consist of two characters, such as .RU, .US, .EU, .BZ, .IN. There are also gccTLD domain zones. These include national domain zones (ccTLDs) open to all (gTLDs). These include the Micronesia .FM domain zone, which is used for radio and music everywhere.
Take advantage of additional services from Regery today
Notifications & Signals
Constant monitoring of your domain name status and sending instant notifications by mail or SMS.
Whois Protection Free
Domain information can be protected for free with Privacy Guard. Most domain extensions can use it, but not all. It depends on registry policy.
Automatic Renewal
Customers don't need to worry about forgetting the expiration SU of a domain. SSL certificates and all other products will be stored in the Regery registered account.
.SU Domain & URL Redirection for Free
Redirect all visitors from your current domain name 'current-store.SU' to your new store 'new-store.SU'. Domain and URL redirection is available for free from Regery services.
Email Redirection Free
You can redirect emails that arrive at your [email protected] to popular email services like gmail for free, such as [email protected]. With Regery services, it's easy and simple!
Transfer Protection .SU Domain Free
.SU domain transfer protection allows you to prevent accidental or intentional domain name transfers, and also prevents anyone from changing your NS servers. The service is free on Regery services.
Fast .SU Domain Transfer
Transferring a .SU domain to Regery is a fast, automatic and secure process. The domain is often renewed for a year automatically (depending on the domain zone rules) at no additional cost. In addition, we can complete the process of transferring your .SU domain for you free of charge.
Multiple Languages
You can register the chosen name in the SU zone in your native language or in English.
Fast DNS system
Configure all DNS records (MX, A, NS, TXT, ...) in a single system. Redirect addresses for free. For example, redirecting all visitors from the old site oldstore.SU to the new site new-ultra-store.SU for free.
Quick Control Panel
Quick and easy control panel interface
Quality Support
Regery provides quality customer support
SSL Certificates
Regery provides a large selection of SSL certificates at a favorable price from the most famous SSL certificate authority Comodo. Free and low-cost SSL certificates are also available.

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