.SU domain — the national domain that belongs to the Soviet Union, as well as the subsequent post-Soviet space. In fact, this domain was created before the collapse of the USSR, but at the same time, is actively used after the onset of 1991. For many potential users, such a domain of the USSR is a kind of nostalgia that will use it in the future to host their own resources. Below it is proposed to analyze the domain name, learn what and how to do with the site on the name.
In fact, today .SU domain is under the direct management of the company “Internet Development Fund”. It does not belong to the category of geographical sites, due to the fact that the country to which it was originally assigned for a long time no more. Knowing whose domain, there is no way to find it in the list of established codes specified in this aspect in the regulatory standard ISO 3166-1. Therefore, it does not fall under the definition of geographical domains, but the encoding has a provision “reserved”, which further ensures its non-allocation to other needs.
Today, the domain in the .SU area is in demand, there are about twelve special companies accredited in Russia as registrars. Each such Registrar has its own partnership agreements with numerous commercial companies and individuals. The Fund does not have any agreements directly with companies, registrars. In addition, there is full support for the numerous second-level domain names under consideration, which were specifically registered by him directly before 01.10.2001. For this reason, it is recommended to register a SU domain, which can be done in just a few clicks.
The features, taking into account which the .SU domain registration can be carried out, include the following: