CO domain is one of the most popular international domains. In its use, it is similar to the .com domain. Originally used as the national domain of Colombia. Since 2010, it has become widespread. Both individuals and legal entities can buy a CO domain for personal or corporate use.
The domain does not have a clear territorial or thematic binding. You can register and use it in any country in the world. Since the domain zone is currently perceived as an analogue of .com, its name is associated with the concepts of "corporation" or "company". Register a domain in the CO area can:
The popularity of domain registration in this zone is growing steadily. It is used by such large companies as Amazon (a.co), Google (g.co), Snapchat (s.co), Twitter (t.co), GoDaddy (x.co) and others.
To register in the domain extension, follow these steps:
Registration takes place as soon as possible. You will gain access to the domain after checking for uniqueness and compliance with the requirements of the selected domain zone.