Registering a domain with a free renewal is a good way to start a project with zero capital. Registering .pp.ua domains is very cheap, and renewal is totally free. This is a free domain area, open for any undertakings. PP in the name of the domain name extension means a Private Person.
The advantage is obvious - the renewal is free, registration is cheap.
The most serious drawback is the following: registration in the pp.ua zone involves open personal data. That is, anyone can look at information about the domain and get the name, surname and phone number of the owner in a completely open way.
When registering through hosting, you can specify the data of the host who performs the registration and thus hide personal information. But in this case it will be difficult to prove the domain in case of disputes.
Registration and delegation of the PP.UA domain is available both to individuals and organizations. Domain delegation is performed after confirming registration on the site and entering the appropriate confirmation code.
You can register a domain with a free renewal through the Regery registration service. To do this, you need to signup on the Regery website, fill out an application and leave complete and accurate personal data and wait for confirmation of registration. The disadvantage of this method is in a certain complexity of forms.
Until recently, confirmation came via SMS, and now you can go through registration confirmation via Telegram.
PP.UA domains with free renewals are a great chance to declare oneself in full.
In which case should you seriously think about registering a .PP.UA domain:
A lot of attention is paid to the openness and truthfulness of personal data in the professional and business environment. The presence of a site with open personal data confirms the integrity and trustworthiness of a person, increases the level of trust.
Create a personal blog in the zone .pp.ua
The PP.UA registration for a blog about work and personal life with complete and honest personal data in the public domain is a great addition to a resume, portfolio or just starting a new project.