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Level 3 domain names

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Level 3 domain is not very popular among webmasters, but at the same time it has some advantages. On the Internet there is a clear division of sites, a kind of hierarchy: different levels of domains serve different purposes. There are domains 1, 2, 3 and even lower levels. Each of these segments has its own purpose.

level 1 serves as an area of national importance, thematic area. It includes designations ORG, COM, RU, etc. To own the name of the first order is not allowed to individuals. The cost of domain registration in this segment is quite high, so own the resources in this area mainly legal entities. SITE.RU - a typical example of a second-level name, which serves to create websites of private and legal entities. Free domain name 3 level will have a name like FORUM.SITE.RU. Such a variant is considered a subdomain or subdomain.

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There are a number of circumstances in which third-level domains may be required . To the main reasons why people feel the need for this kind of proposals, includes the logical division of the site. To a greater extent, this applies to web resources that specialize in the sale of a variety of goods of similar topics. For example, let's take the site of an online store for the sale of food with the name GASTRO.RU.

For convenience, it is allowed to create a subdomain FORUM GASTRO.RU, where you can discuss the range, as well as address any questions about food. You can also create another subdomain, for example, for technical support. This property of the domain 3 level positively affects the convenience of the visitor to the site, who can choose the section that suits him.

Curious fact! Perhaps the most famous and illustrative example of the considered segment of the Internet is the site of the well-known Wikipedia.

Registration of a domain level 3 helps to create personal pages used by organizations or individuals. This zone is great for business card sites. Register a third-level domain can be registered for training purposes, acquiring practical skills to maintain a site on the Internet. In this case, the registration and use of subdomain will be free. We offer to take advantage of the support of specialists of the company "Regery" - experienced consultants in the field of Internet activities. Experienced registrar will assist in the creation of a domain level 3.

How to become a user?

There are several ways to take possession of a domain of the third order. You can use the services of a website that offers free hosting. it is also a common option to create a 3rd level domain for free when you purchase a 2nd level domain. For the domain, you can add in your control panel Most often, no documents are required for registration. It may seem that everything is attractive and profitable, however, it is not quite so. There are several arguments that discourage webmasters from registering names of 3 and lower levels for free:

  • the name is difficult to memorize and type;
  • limitations in management. Especially the limits concern the volume of content;
  • experienced users have some suspicions about such domains;
  • most of the search engines of affiliate programs do not process names of the 3rd order, so the promotion of the project and bringing to the first positions of the output is almost impossible;
  • this is not a commercial segment of the Internet;
  • usually the owner of the domain, within which the name of the third level is registered and used, has the right to install advertising and make profit on your site;
  • change of hosting forces you to start promotion all over again.

Domains 3 order and below are free, but in some cases their use is unjustified. Before choosing the level of domain we recommend analyzing the above disadvantages. if in your circumstances they are not critical, pay attention to the domain is worth. Especially since it has great advantages - no fees and the opportunity to gain skills in the management of the resource. We offer the assistance of Regery staff in registering a name in a suitable segment.

22 May 2019domains