.zp.ua domains


Register a domain in the .ZP.UA domain zone

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Prices for domains in zone .ZP.UA

Regery services
 7.99 $/yr
 7.99 $/yr
 7.99 $

Why choose the Regery registrar?

Other registrars
101 Domain
29.49 $/yr

+21.50 $ (+269%)
38.99 $/yr

+31.00 $ (+388%)
17.77 $/yr

+9.78 $ (+122%)
17.77 $/yr

+9.78 $ (+122%)
13.87 $/yr

+5.88 $ (+74%)
13.87 $/yr

+5.88 $ (+74%)
12.91 $/yr

+4.92 $ (+62%)
13.85 $/yr

+5.86 $ (+73%)
12.64 $/yr

+4.65 $ (+58%)
12.64 $/yr

+4.65 $ (+58%)
12.47 $/yr

+4.48 $ (+56%)
12.47 $/yr

+4.48 $ (+56%)
12.47 $/yr

+4.48 $ (+56%)
12.47 $/yr

+4.48 $ (+56%)
† Price information may not contain special offers and promotions, new prices may vary

Domain Name Length
The length of a domain name in the .ZP.UA zone ranges from 1 to 63 letters.
Registration period
The registration period for .ZP.UA domain name is 1 year.
ZP.UA Available to All
Find the domain name you need, register it and start growing your business online. The ZP.UA domain zone is available to everyone.
International Names
Thanks to IDN support, a domain in the ZP.UA zone can contain international characters and names.
Renewal Rules
A domain in the .ZP.UA domain zone can be renewed whenever you want, but before the domain expires.
DNSSEC is not supported
Regery does not support DNSSEC for ZP.UA domains. Unable to sign a domain zone in the registry
Local presence requirements
A domain can be registered without restrictions on local presence

ZP.UA domain is suitable for whom

Domain zone ZP.UA is oriented to people who are in one way or another connected with Zaporizhzhya or Zaporizhzhya region. It is not necessarily about the usual "place of residence". It is quite possible that you are a businessman who carries out certain activities within this region. Advantages of the domain is a lot. Among them we can highlight a few of the most obvious:

  1. Language. You can write the name of the site not only in Latin, but also in Cyrillic, which significantly expands the range of possible options.
  2. Variability. At the moment the situation with the domain zone ZP.UA gives the opportunity to choose the most different names: "busy" is not so much (in this respect, the domain compares favorably with the same .ru).
  3. Cost. The price for the domain ZP.UA is relatively low: you will not need to spend colossal sums. However, we will talk about the pricing policy a little closer to the end of the text, when we will talk about the advantages of the company.

Domain ZP.UA: subtleties

  • Time. Domain registration in ZP.UA will not require a large amount of time. In most cases, everything happens within two hours from the moment of payment for the service. In case of acute need the procedure can be accelerated.
  • DNS. A small literacy: DNS is a system of domain names and address conversion service. It makes it possible to match a domain and IP address, helping to find a resource on the Internet.
  • How to manage. Naturally, the user is offered special tools that simplify the management of the site. An intuitive and convenient panel has been created, allowing you to make certain "edits" at any time.
  • Renewal. An important point: you can renew a domain within thirty days from the date of expiration of the last one.

Why buy a domain in Regery is profitable

Avoiding excessive modesty, let's illustrate the main advantages of our company, offering you to buy a domain ZP UA; let's do it in the form of a list:

  1. Cost. Regery company tries to focus on a wide audience, not on rare and random customers. Therefore, the prices for UA domains without a trademark are relatively low, to make sure of what you can and independently.
  2. Reliability. We take into account all the current subtleties and regulations governing the registration of domains in the Zaporizhzhya region.
  3. Efficiency. Practically nothing is required from the user: we try to fight excessive bureaucracy even in the space of the Internet.
  4. Assistance. If necessary, our specialists are always ready to provide technical support (which can be not only informational), because we always take care of our customers.

If you want to buy a domain ZP.UA, we will be glad to cooperate! If you have any questions, you can always contact us in any convenient way.

Open Domain Zone
the ZP.UA domain zone is open to anyone without restriction and does not require citizenship or a trademark. It is suitable for everyone from individuals and entrepreneurs to large corporations.
IDN support
A .ZP.UA domain name can contain national letters thanks to IDN support. IDN support provides the ability to register domains in different languages, the list of which is determined by each particular domain zone. Domain Names are stored in punicode format as xn--xxxxx. Regery services automatically convert domain names into a readable format to facilitate domain search and registration.
National Domain Zone
This .ZP.UA domain zone is a ccTLD (national domain zone). A specific list of top-level domains reserved by countries, independent states or territories. National zones are often two-character zones. For example, .EU, .US, .UK, or .DE. There are several ccTLDs that are currently used as generic domain names for brands (gccTLDs). For example .CO, .US, .ME, .WS, .GE or .LY
Take advantage of additional services from Regery today
Notifications & Signals
Constant monitoring of your domain name status and sending instant notifications by mail or SMS.
Whois Protection Free
Domain information can be protected for free with Privacy Guard. Most domain extensions can use it, but not all. It depends on registry policy.
You don't have to keep checking the expiration date of your .ZP.UA domain to make sure it won't expire. The auto-renew feature renews your domains, SSL certificates and other products in your account and under your control.
.ZP.UA Domain & URL Redirection for Free
Redirect all visitors from your current domain name 'current-store.ZP.UA' to your new store 'new-store.ZP.UA'. Domain and URL redirection is available for free from Regery services.
Email Redirection Free
You can redirect emails that arrive at your [email protected] to popular email services like gmail for free, such as [email protected]. With Regery services, it's easy and simple!
Transfer Protection .ZP.UA Domain Free
.ZP.UA domain transfer protection allows you to prevent accidental or intentional domain name transfers, and also prevents anyone from changing your NS servers. The service is free on Regery services.
Simple .ZP.UA Domain Transfer
Transferring a .ZP.UA domain to Regery services is an easy and secure process. Domain transfers usually result in an automatic one-year renewal (depending on the zone rules). Also, we can do the process of transferring your .ZP.UA domain for you for free.
IDN, Domain Names in any language
You can register a domain in .INFO, .COM, .ORG, .NET or other popular native language zones. Domain search is supported in any language.
Easy DNS (DNS) service
Manage your domain resource records and create your subdomains, email, ftp and website address from a simple control panel.
Quick Control Panel
Quick and easy control panel interface
Quality Support
Regery provides quality customer support
SSL Certificates
Regery's services also include a favorable set of SSL certificates from such a renowned certificate authority as GeoTrust. Free Comodo SSL certificates are also available.

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